Thursday, 28 June 2007

Week off!

Well, I've nearly had a week off work, phew. Still tired...what's that all about?
I've spent some quality time with my Mum (AWWWW!) I love my Mum, she's great. She's made tea for all four of us all week, plus herself, my Dad and my Gramps. He lives with them too. She works aswell...what a woman!
My web site is on the net now, its still under construction and needs alot of work, but I'm still really chuffed with it.

Check it out if you want. Its just about different faiths/philosophies. Its for those people out there who are bi-faithly curious!!!

If anyone can think of anything I have missed off or messed up, let me know!

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Oh heck

I've been quite tired for a few days, feeling a little under the weather. I thought I'd better go to the doctors and see if everything is okay, as I have a rash that goes from under my arm to my elbow, and it turns out I have got shingles. I feel very lucky though because, if I leave the area completely alone, (instead of forgetting and accidentally itching!) it isn't causing me much of a problem. I'm just very tired. Apart from that everything is good.
S and I are working on a new project now. It is a bathroom refurbishment. It's going to look fab!!!
We went to have a look at a house in the village that we live in to see if we wanted to do it up(it hadn't been on the market for 50 years), but one side of the house has dropped and the landing upstairs makes you feel drunk because it is on an angle. It was lovely apart from that. But S and I are a bit cautious, so we've said "no thanks". We will be going to see another one next week when I'm feeling a bit better.
Post you later!!!

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Fortune shines down...

Good day to all,

I've had a tiring day today, what with labouring for S and all. I got a little too giddy with the gloss paint in a corner, and after all that lots of tiny little flies decided to take a vacation on the beautiful glossed beaches of 'Deathdom'. There's a holiday that they wont forget!
We had a power cut too, well the house we were working on had one. Our end of the village is fine, their end of the village is out...weird. They must be on a different substation to us.
I phoned our chip shop to see if they were able to feed us and he replied "I can't make my own tea, never mind yours!" We get on really well with them, Christmas cards and everything - do you think we may have a poor diet????

Some more good news;
C came first for the girls in high-jump1!Yay! She represented the school last year in the Cheshire finals and came 3rd over all. It must be those long legs.

E came first in a practice sack race and wellie throwing competition, it must have been all those sacks I put her in when she was a baby... if there are any social workers reading this I was only joking :)

S and me have decided that once all of his family and friend contracts are up we are going to buy our 2nd house to do up and sell. I'm so excited.
I've been waiting for that decision to be made for about 10 years, I reckoned eventually he would have as much confidence in himself as I had in him - but come on - ten years!!!
Anyway, decision done.
Time for life to grant my wishes. I will let everyone know in horrendous detail how the project goes.

Sunday, 17 June 2007

A poem from my eldest daughter

She is so wonderful - Do you think I'm biased?
This is a poem she was asked to write for an English assignment;

A Glory No More

There we trudge like a plague of snails,
Are backs are ruptured and our faces pale,
Slumping, marching, marching, slumping,
The sight of shelter has my heart thumping,
Many weary soldiers are falling back,
But we still carry on, like a mad wolf pack,
Our hands and feet have gorges for wounds,
And our poor heads are killing, I hope they cure us soon,
"GAS!,GAS!Put your helmets on quick"
Our gas masks are really not very slick,
My comrades have finally got their helmets on,
But one poor man is drowning from the bomb,
The gas is thick now, like a fog,
This ghastly green is almost like smog,
My friend!My friend!My dear, dear friend,
I can't help you now!
I will remember you till the end!
The stretcher bearers come running now,
How can this happen?Oh how,how, HOW?!
His body is choking from the deadly gases,
His body will be buried among other carcasses,
Oh, look at the blood, the gore, the horror!
I wonder when they will tell his dear old mother?
With every jolt and bump from the wagon,
The mucus spurts out like fire from a dragon,
If you had been here on this horrifying day,
You would know and understand what I have to say,
To die for your country is a glory no more,
Its just terrifying, horrifying, this bloody, pathetic war.
Written by C.M (age 13)

Father's Day

What a fabulous day we are having.
We all had a cuddle in bed watching silly things on the television and the girls gave their Dad his cards. As a surprise in one of the cards was a voucher for a full body aromatherapy massage...he liked that!!!
I phoned my Dad and wished him happy fathers day and asked him if he, Mum and my Grampa would like to go for breakfast at a little 'eatery' in our town. We invited my brother, sis-in-law and niece too!
We all arrived and ate ourselves silly, then piled round to Dad's for a brew and a chat so the cousins could play together. The house was noisy and messy within minutes-how wonderful is that?
I always try and make the most of father's day for my Dad and Hubby because, as alot of people know, when they are gone, they are gone - morbid, but life enhancing.

On a different note my webpage construction is coming along nicely and is looking quite good.

For those of you that know me I am now officially a P.O!!! How exciting?

Saturday, 16 June 2007

How I managed to stop the cogs whirring!!!

Phew! Busy, busy, busy...
Anyway, as I was saying, I put Oprah on and found to my delight the most wonderful people talking about life in my kind of way;

i.e. spirituality doesn't have to exclude any religious beliefs.

As I once heard someone say "If you fall off a tall building, it doesn't matter whether you are good or bad, you are still going to fall".

I feel that spirituality is like this it doesn't matter whether you believe or what you believe we all have a spirituality. So, I think what I'm trying to say is, it doesn't matter to me what belief system people have, everyone has one!
Even if you only believe that what you can see, hear, smell, touch, and feel is all there is to the universe...

They talked about life, love, money, careers and all sorts of things. I took note of their names and got on the internet, bought a book and a DVD, and spent the next week absolutely WOWed by everything that I was reading. My most favourite, favourite, speaker was James Arthur Ray. He has such an Holistic outlook on life. Here's his website:

From this website you can find 'The Secret'
Hope you enjoy!!!

Friday, 15 June 2007

Some more things that make me tick

In the afternoon;
I love...
Watching my 7 year old run out of the school door with a great big grin on her face, or being there to give her that much needed hug after she's had a bad day.

When everyone is back from school and work and we can sit at the table and chat about nothing and everything.

Having a spare half an hour to sit and do computer things (like designing what is going to be on my new web site!)

Thinking of all the wonderful things I can buy with money I have earned.

Something that is really important to me is imagining my life without limits. These could be physical limits, financial limits, emotional limits or spiritual limits.
Some days I can't believe how hard it is to imagine my life without them. It can be really scary depending on what category I am thinking about.
I think everyone I know can imagine what it would be like to have no financial limits. If I had a penny for every time I heard the words "If I won the lottery...."
The others are a bit more tricky. It seems okay for me to imagine winning the lottery because it doesn't make me financially wrong-my finances are circumstantial surely?
But if I start to think about having no emotional limits...I have to think that I have emotional limits and then I think about what they are, and then I think about why I have them...
And what if I want to imagine no physical limits? No scars, perfect eyesight, no stretch-marks(I know right?), perfect feet, perfect skin, the list goes on(don't tell anyone okay!) So I would have to think that I have physical limits, and I have to think about what they are, and I have to remember why I have them...and so on.
Then one day my Mum phoned me and told me to put the television on Oprah as there was something on that she thought would interest me. I was busy, but I thought, well she doesn't normally phone me for things like that, so I humoured her.
I will finish my post later on or tomorrow as motherly duties are calling!

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Things that make me tick...

Things that make me tick are;
In the morning...
Waking up next to my hubby,
Watching my children float dreamily into my bedroom in the morning for a cuddle,
Opening my curtains to see beautiful rolling hills and trees bathed in sunshine, or the barley field under my bedroom window shrouded in a sea of mist,
Being brought a cup of tea and feeling glad to be alive...

I think one of the most interesting things I have learned is to appreciate all the little things about my day.
As each day represents a page in my life story, what I fill it with will create chapters in my life.
When I close my eyes for the last time I don't want to be wishing I could rip pages out of the book of my life, I want to be wishing I could add a few more.
However I am living my life is an oportunity for everyone to look at one page at a time.

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

And so...

Hello World!!! is actually the first Blog. I haven't quite got the hang of this blogging wrote a lot of other stuff and seem to have lost it in cyberspace somewhere.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, travelling.

I have a Mum, called Sue, a Dad, called John, and a brother called David. That's not what I used to call him though. There is only 16 months between us so we both weren't very good at names. He ended up being Dayda Acoo. Which is baby talk for David McHugh.

The 4 of us travelled around until I was fourteen and my Dad left the airforce. Civilian life was wierd...We had been used to having surrogate family next door or over the road for our whole lives. We quickly learned that not all next door neighbours appreciate you trying to pop in and borrow a tin of beans with an IOU attached!!!

I would like to fast forward a couple of years to when I meet my soul mate Steve, and OOPS! I accidentally found myself pregnant...ARGHHHH. It has a happy ending though as we are happily married and have two wonderfull and beautiful girls called Charlotte (13) and Emily(7).

I am a deeply spiritual person and love philosophy, theology and most other things that end in an 'ology'. I have spent the last 11 years studying different spiritual practises. They range from Buddhism, Christianity, Kabbalah, and many more. The interesting thing about all of them is they have a beautiful thread that binds them all together - personal truths. I wouldn't be able to put a specific faith to my name as I feel spirituality is more important than the plate that you serve it on. I will always endeavor to respect people irrespective of their beliefs. After all how can anyone truly believe exactly what I believe, even twins who have been brought up in the same faith can't always agree!

I have tried to live my life with integrity and incorporate what I believe into my work, rest and play. To this end I became a Reflexologist since 2002. I taught myself for 1 year and when my family and friends started being blown away by it, they told me I really should get qualified. Thats the story to date. I am also a beauty therapist, this enables me to chat to clients, and I quite like chatting.

Hello World!!!

This is the first time I've ever had a Blog...its quite exciting.

I'll let you all know a little bit about myself - we shall call it a mini-biography, PLEASE feel free to skip down the page if you feel yourselves nodding off.

I was born in North Yorkshire, in England in December 1976. This makes me a Sagitarian, I know, lucky right? It comes at a price though, a tendency to attract fat to ones bottom and thighs. I wonder if this is why the centaur has a horses rear end? Sorry to all you beautifully toned 'Saggies' out there.

I was born into a Royal Air Force family, hence all the traveling I could ever have hoped for.